Our Products

The ColorStream series is a Gravimetric material blender with a flood-fed primary resin mounted on the machine throat and up to 4 metered ingredients (color, additives) that are blended on the plant floor.
The Gravimetric ColorStream Series with a hopper against a white background.
The Gravimetric Flood-Fed series material blenders feature a flood-fed primary resin and up to four metered ingredients (color, regrind, additives).
The Gravimetric Flood-Fed Side Mount series material blenders feature a flood-fed primary resin and up to four metered ingredients. Allows for dryer or large hopper configurations.
The Gravimetric All-Fed series blenders meter all component feeders for virgin, color, regrind or other additives. The GA series can be used for on or offline blending as well as starve fed metering processes.
The Gravimetric PET series blenders are designed specifically for the PET packaging industry and feature a flood-fed primary resin and up to two metered ingredients through a water cooled feed tube.