Single-Cavity vs. Multi-Cavity Injection Molding: Which Is Right for Your Application?

Injection molding revolutionized the plastic manufacturing industry by enabling companies to produce identical parts in medium and high volumes quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively. It’s for this reason that manufacturers often prefer to follow the injection molding process over using CNC machining, die casting, and urethane casting methods.

The plastic injection molding process is dictated by the type of mold used. Manufacturers can choose single- or multi-cavity molds based on their product demands and timeline requirements. Here’s an in-depth look at the differences between these injection mold types so that you can select the one that is best for your application.

The Difference Between Single-Cavity and Multi-Cavity Molds

The difference between these molds is fairly straightforward. Single-cavity molds produce a single product per cycle because it only has one cavity into which plastic resins can be injected. In contrast, multi-cavity molds have multiple cavities, enabling manufacturers to produce multiple parts in a single cycle. Because a multi-cavity mold is larger than a single-cavity mold, it has a higher initial investment cost. However, this cost can often be offset by a lower per-unit molding cost.

Advantages of Multi-Cavity Molds

One of the best ways to determine if a multi-cavity mold is right for you is to look at the benefits of this injection mold. Multi-cavity molds allow you to produce more products in a shorter amount of time, making effective use of the cycle time. These molds also enable you to enjoy a lower parts price since the injection mold is large and lets you produce several products at once.

If you need to produce multiple identical parts quickly, a multi-cavity mold may be the best option for your application. However, it’s important to note that these molds require substantial lead times since the molds themselves take longer to create than single-cavity molds. Additionally, there’s a greater risk involved with multi-cavity injection molds because if one cavity breaks or has a flaw, the entire mold is rendered useless.

Advantages of Single-Cavity Molds

Single-cavity injection molds are often recommended for manufacturing plastic products in low volumes. This is because the manufacturing costs will be lower than those associated with multi-cavity molds. Single-cavity molds are also easy to design and manufacture, allowing for greater quality control.

Understand Your Market and Product Demands First

Before settling on a single-cavity or multi-cavity injection molding process, make sure you fully understand your market and the potential demand for your products. If you need to produce a high volume of plastic parts in a short period of time, a multi-cavity mold may be more suitable for your circumstances. However, a single-cavity mold will be the best solution if the quality is the utmost priority. Remember always to weigh the time and costs associated with manufacturing plastic products before selecting the necessary tools.

At Plastrac, we specialize in all things plastic manufacturing. If you need gravimetric material blenders or injection molding machine accessories, get in touch with our experts for a quote today.